Basics of Oral Health You Must Follow.

Unlike physical health, we do not prioritize oral or dental hygiene. Not paying enough attention to our oral health can lead us to several unwanted problems. For instance, cavities or gum disease can quickly occur if oral health is not prioritized. As a result, it will be in your best interest to brush and floss at least twice a day and follow up with a dentist appointment every three months. 

You can also consider Antigo general dentistry for professional dental treatment. There are some essential oral health tips you must be aware of. By following these oral health basics, you can be assured of not facing severe dental problems. You can also use oral care products to achieve healthy teeth. 

Best practices for oral health: 

  • Brushing 

One should brush their teeth before going to bed. When you brush before going to sleep, it gets rid of germs and plaque that can accumulate throughout the day. It will also be best to brush for at least one minute instead of a couple of seconds. 

You should move the brush in circular and gentle motions to remove plaque. If you do not brush properly, plaque accumulates and leads to gingivitis. Plaque can also buildup up your tongue. Hence, it would help if you gently brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth. 

  • Toothpaste

Using fluoride toothpaste is essential. It would help if you did not fall for toothpaste that only contains substances with whitening power and flavors, but you must ensure that it contains fluoride. Fluoride is the leading substance that helps you in creating a solid defense against tooth decay. 

  • Flossing 

Flossing is as important as brushing. Most people need to pay more attention to floss after they brush. However, you must know that flossing can help you stimulate the gums, reduce plaque buildup, and help you avoid inflammation. 

While flossing might be difficult for some people, it will be helpful to lookup for tools that can help you floss without increasing difficulties for your teeth. Also, it would help if you flossed at least once a day. 

  • Mouthwash 

Mouthwash is an essential element in maintaining oral health. Mouthwash can reduce acids in the mouth and clean areas that are hard to reach while brushing. Using mouthwash can also help re-mineralize the teeth and brings oral health into balance. It would help if you asked your dentist in Antigo to recommend a specific mouthwash that suits your health the most. 

  • Water 

Water is the best beverage for your oral and overall health. Drinking water after every meal is recommended as it can help you wash out the adverse effects of acidic and sticky foods between your teeth. 

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