Common Fungal Nail Infections – Medical Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention Tips

Fungal nail infections are caused by fungal organisms on the toe nails and finger nails. Signs of fungal nail infections include discolored, thick or cracked nails. Generally, this condition doesn’t cause pain unless it is severe. It can occur in anyone whereas some people are more susceptible to the infection.
Common fungal nail infections:
- Distal subungual onychomycosis: Subungal debris accumulates along the sides of the nails and spread throughout the nail. It usually affects the big toe nail.
- Proximal subungal onychomycosis: The infection starts from the underside of the proximal nail foil and gradually progresses. T. rubtum is the primay cause of this infection in the US.
- Superficial onychomycosis: Fungi develops in the superficial layers of the nails and gradually spreads deeper. T. mentagrophytes result in these white lesions.
- Endonyx onychomycosis: The interior part of nail plate is affected while nail bed remains unaffected.
- Total dystrophic onychomysis: This severe form of onychomysis. The entire nail bed becomes thick and raised with debris.
- Yeast onychomysis: Candida is the cause of this infection which is more common in fingernails than toe nails. It could arise due to immune-deficiency conditions.
- Fungal melanonychia: The nail plate develops a black-brown discoloration. It may look similar to subungal melonoma and is caused by Alternaria, Exophiala and Scytalidium.
Seek medical help:
If you are having fungal nail infection, contact a renowned podiatrist in your area. The condition wouldn’t subside without appropriate treatment. If you are looking for a clinic in Irvine, schedule an appointment with Podiatrist in Irvine which has 20+ years experience. Their team of trained professionals offers excellent medical care.
Diagnosis and treatment:
They would conduct a physical examination and enquire about other symptoms. More often physical examinations alone aren’t sufficient to confirm a diagnosis. Some doctors recommend microscopy while send your nail sample to the lab. Anti-fungal pills will be prescribed. If the infection is severe, the infected nails are removed completely.
Depending on the diagnosis and severity of the condition, the team at Podiatrist in Irvine offers Toenail laser therapy which is a cost-effective and painless way to treat the infection. The therapy promotes healthy nail growth henceforth.
Who are more prone to fungal nail infection?
- Nail injury
- Nail surgery
- Diabetes
- Blood circulation problems
- Athlete’s foot
- Diabetes
- Poor hygiene
Normal healthy people develop the infection from stepping on moist, wet areas like swimming pool, locker room etc. Athletes are prone to toenail fungus infection since they wear tight-fitted and sweaty shoes. Repetitive trauma to nails could also be one of the reasons for the infection. Elders with certain underlying health conditions are also at a risk of the infection.
- See that your hands and feet are clean and dry
- Cut your fingernails and toenails often
- Avoid walking barefoot in locker rooms
- Avoid sharing nail clippers
- Don’t visit nail salons that aren’t certified
Treatment is necessary to get rid of this condition. Seek experienced podiatrists for a diagnosis and have it treated at the earliest.