Dealing with Damaged or Lost Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are a great solution for tooth cavities, but they do not last forever. Indeed, they can sustain damage or fall out, particularly if the tooth they are attached to continues to decay. Missing or cracked dental fillings put your teeth at an increased risk, so you must know the common signs of damaged fillings. This way, you get a new filling right away and avoid unpleasant consequences. You can count on your dentist for cosmetic dental services that you might need for lost or damaged fillings. 

How Your Fillings Can Become Damaged

Dental fillings get exposed to natural wear your real teeth tend to face every day. Although you may be staying on top of your oral health hygiene, your tooth filling won’t last forever. Often, dental fillings can last from 5 to 25 years, depending on the materials they are made of and your lifestyle. Due to the friction and pressure of chewing, your fillings can naturally crack or wear down over time. And if the tooth that holds your dental filing decays further, you may end up with a loose filling that might fall out in no time. While dental fillings can last for many years, their lifespan can be shortened due to the following:

  • Hard, crunchy foods. Nuts, hard candies, ice, and chips can be hard on dental fillings. In general, biting and chewing hard foods require greater force. To avoid compromising the integrity of your fillings, you should avoid hard foods.
  • Teeth grinding. Grinding your teeth at night can cause pressure and wear on your dental fillings. Bruxism can result from abnormal bite patterns and anxiety. If you have this habit, consider using a night guard to protect your teeth and fillings.
  • Improper use of your teeth. Using your teeth as tools for opening bottles or packaging can damage your fillings. In fact, it can damage your teeth themselves. 

Dealing with Damaged Fillings

If you have damaged dental fillings, you must get them removed and replaced by your dentist as soon as possible. Waiting to replace the fillings can lead to further teeth damage. If your fillings are damaged prematurely, your dentist can give you advice on preventing future damage, ensuring your fillings last a long time. Tooth-colored or composite fillings are quite popular these days. Your dentist can mold them to mimic the shape, size, and color of your real teeth, ensuring they blend well inside your mouth. 

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