Make Your Vape Pen Function Properly

The Vape Pens are nothing but E-Cigarettes. It is called a pen because of its design, which looks similar to a pen. It is a hand-held device and comes in many varieties and models. The vape pen uses electricity to heat the vape liquid and create vapour.
Vape Pen consists of four major parts – The Mouthpiece, Tank, Atomizer and Battery. Each has its role to play.
Vape Pen May Malfunction
As the vape pen runs on electricity, there is always a chance of malfunctioning. It is common for a vape pen to suddenly stop working for various reasons like Broken Battery, Broken Charger, Bad Quality Coils or Cartridge, Clogged Cart, etc. But worry not, as there are ways to repair the malfunction. So let’s find out the ways to repair it so that next time during a malfunction, you are well prepared to act on your own. For a detailed explanation, visit the official website
If the vape pen does not work due to a clogged cart, then try to unclog it. A clog can be either in the pipe or in the chamber. If the clog is in the pipe, then use a thin wire and put it inside the pipe to remove the deposited debris. However, if the clog is in the container, heat it for a few minutes, and the solidified debris will change into liquid form, and you can easily clean it.
If a vape pen is not working due to a broken charger or battery, the best option is to change or replace them.
Malfunction Even After Proper Charging
Generally, vape pens work fine after proper charging. But sometimes, it may not be the case. This problem may occur mainly due to human error rather than technical error. So, if you face such kind of problem next, first do the following checking before taking any action.
Firstly, check whether the vape pen is charged fully. If not, then charge it again till it indicates a fully charged battery.
Secondly, check whether you have switched on the vape pen before panicking because it is possible to ignore that part. If that’s the case, well and good, switch it on.
Finally, check if the battery is properly plugged in because if the cartridge is not well fitted, the device will not get charged.
But if all these are checked and everything is fine, but the vape pen is still not working, try changing the battery.
Final words
Vape Pens can malfunction or stop working for various reasons, but there is always a way to resolve the situation, and we already know about a few. In case of parts or replacement.