Opting for Hearing Tests? How Often Should You?

Taking your hearing for granted is going to leave you with days where you will see your ability losing. You might be left in circumstances where you will not hold the slightest idea of what should be done. Hence, it is both advisable and recommended that you start developing a habit of regular hearing tests. This way you will stay updated about your hearing state and a clear idea of how the future is turning out for you. Our guide below will help you effectively schedule appointments at regular intervals and take preventive measures if things go wrong.

Screening vs testing

The screening and the hearing tests are the two common options that you have in stock with you. You must know the basic differences before you start your treatment. If you want to detect if you have hearing loss, you must opt for screening. It will be conducted with particular sounds under certain situations to know your hearing status. You will receive a pass or a fail outcome. The hearing tests, on the other hand, will involve the audiologists to conduct various types of tests to evaluate how effectively can you hear sounds. This will also involve checking various ear components for their functional efficacy.

Who should get the tests?

Not everyone holds the rule of getting hearing tests done every three to five years. Certain circumstances will force you to get tested more frequently. Individuals over 60 years who get highly exposed to loud noises almost regularly must have tests conducted at least once a year. Any changes in your hearing ability must be readily taken to audiologists. You should always watch out for warning signs like speech muffling, difficulty to interpret words, hearing troubles towards consonants.

What should you expect?

It is very natural for you to become hesitant or nervous before getting the tests done because of the obvious reason that you are unsure of what the outcome is going to be. The tests are normally going to occur in quiet rooms without the disturbance of external sounds. This is what is going to drive your results. You might also be tested with audiometers with maybe headphones attached.

Audiology Centre West has the provision for detailed and customized screening and hearing tests. Everything will be tailored based upon your needs where a backup of real-time advice and recommendation from highly experienced audiologists are going to guide you further.

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