The Pros of Ozone Therapy

Medical ozone has been used for decades to sanitize medical equipment, manage medical conditions, and prevent infections. While ozone has a long history of serving these roles in the medical field, its benefits may extend beyond these common uses. 

Ozone therapy is also used as a natural alternative for patients who feel they’ve exhausted their options with conventional medicine. With ozone therapy offering so many benefits, it may soon become a mainstream treatment. 

What Is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone gas is a type of oxygen. While the oxygen you breathe has two oxygen molecules, ozone has three, making it a more reactive and unstable gas. However, that instability is part of ozone’s power, as it allows it to oxidize and potentially destroy harmful substances in the body. 

Ozone therapy is an integrative treatment that administers ozone intravenously to disinfect blood and treat chronic diseases and illnesses like diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and cardiovascular disease. 

What Are the Benefits of Ozone Therapy?

Ozone therapy may offer several benefits stemming from the treatment’s capability of improving blood flow, boosting immunity, and enhancing antioxidant powers. 

A 2018 study showed that when ozone therapy was used in treating musculoskeletal disorders, it helped form more proteins and red blood cells, increasing the body’s oxygen supply. Additionally, ozone therapy may be able to prevent the spread of viruses and control certain unhealthy processes in the body, such as an overgrowth of bacteria, yeast, or fungi.

These capabilities translate to several potential advantages of ozone therapy:

  • Improved ability to fight infection
  • Increased oxygen to the brain tissue, with the potential to treat brain damage
  • Reduced risk of heart attacks
  • Detoxification 
  • Wound cleaning
  • Pain relief 
  • Cell oxygenation
  • Healthier skin

As ozone therapy treatments continue to uncover unexpected benefits, primarily through increased cell turnover and oxygen repair, the promising research results make it a buzzworthy emerging procedure.

With ongoing studies examining the benefits of ozone therapy, the treatment has shown to be effective for patients with breathing disorders, diabetes, and immune disorders.

Is Ozone Therapy Safe?

Ozone can irritate the airways and should never be inhaled. However, when ozone therapy is appropriately performed, side effects are rare. 

Ozone therapy is still considered alternative medicine and is not yet approved by the FDA. However, ozone therapy treatments have been in practice for decades, and studies on safety and efficacy show that this treatment has helped many patients.

This post was written by a medical professional at Stemedix Inc. At Stemedix we provide access to Regenerative Medicine. Regenerative medicine has the natural potential to help improve symptoms sometimes lost from the progression of many conditions. We also offer Ozone Therapy in Florida!


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