The Ultimate Guide To Understanding Uterine Fibroids: Treatment And Removal

Women’s bodies are capable of doing astonishing things, but this also means that their bodies go through many difficult changes. From puberty to entering menopause, women’s bodies change in countless ways. Unfortunately, some women have it more difficult than others, struggling with often painful and emotionally taxing conditions. One of these common conditions are uterine fibroids, affecting 1 in 3 women of child bearing age. 

In this blog we’ll be sharing some valuable information about uterine fibroids, providing insights on what they are, as well as fibroid treatment and uterine fibroid removal solutions. 

Understanding Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths that develop in the uterus. These growths, typically appearing during childbearing years, are composed of muscle cells and other tissues. While the exact cause of uterine fibroids remains unclear, various factors such as hormonal imbalances and genetic predisposition may contribute to their development. If you suspect that you may have uterine fibroids, it is best to seek medical attention for a full diagnosis. 

Some symptoms to look out for include:

  1. Heavy, Painful, and Prolonged Periods: It is important to note that every woman’s period is unique to her own body, but periods should typically last only for a few days. However, if you notice your period lasting longer than usual or a menstrual cycle that is more painful, it could be a sign of a uterine fibroid. 
  2. Pressure On Your Bladder Or Bowels: Feeling a deep-seated pressure on your bladder or bowels can be incredibly uncomfortable and sometimes painful, much like the feeling of the third trimester in pregnancy. If you are feeling a fullness in your pelvis and having difficulty with urination or moving your bowels, it could indicate uterine fibroids. Increased pressure in the pelvis could also lead to a lower libido and sex drive.
  3. Painful Intercourse: Having sex with your partner should not cause any pain. Uterine fibroids can cause a build-up of pressure in the uterus, making it more difficult to achieve comfortable penetration. Bleeding after sexual intercourse may also indicate the presence of uterine fibroids. 

Fibroid Treatment And Uterine Fibroid Removal Options

Modern medicine and technology offers women a range of fibroid treatment options, ranging from medicinal to surgical, helping reduce the symptoms and size of the growth. 

  1. Medicine: One of the most common approaches to fibroid treatment is medication, which aims to alleviate symptoms and control the growth of fibroids by regulating hormonal imbalances. While this method provides relief for some, others may opt for more definitive interventions.
  2. Minimally Invasive Procedures: In recent years, minimally invasive procedures have gained popularity as effective alternatives for uterine fibroid removal. These procedures, such as uterine artery ablation, offer patients the advantage of shorter recovery times and reduced postoperative discomfort.
  3. Surgery: In cases where fibroids are larger or causing severe symptoms, surgical interventions may be recommended. Myomectomy, the surgical removal of fibroids while preserving the uterus, is a common option for women who wish to maintain their fertility. Alternatively, hysterectomy, the removal of the uterus, is considered for those who have completed their family planning.

The treatment option that is best suited for your health condition will be determined through a series of MRI scans and evaluations, ensuring long-lasting relief from uterine fibroids. 

Choose Lumina Health For Uterine Fibroid Treatment And Removal

When it comes to treating and removing uterine fibroids, there are 3 things we at Lumina Health focus on: patient care, personalised approach, and effective results. We understand the challenges that come with fibroids, and we are committed to providing our patients with the best care and shortest recovery periods possible. With us, you can reclaim your uterus and enjoy a pain-free, healthy life. 

Modern medicine and technology have made fibroid treatment a minimally invasive option for women dealing with the many complications of uterine fibroids. Whether you choose uterine artery ablation or opt to have the fibroids surgically removed, Lumina Health is here to support you every step of the way. Schedule an appointment with us for effective fibroid treatment and uterine fibroid removal in New Zealand.

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