Three Myths About Dental Implants in Tampa, Florida You Must Not Believe

Missing even a few teeth can have serious effects on your life. You may have difficulty chewing some foods or feel more self-conscious about your smile’s gaps. Because of this, you want these missing teeth replaced as soon as possible. However, you may not be sure whether to get dentures, bridges, or implants. There are many misconceptions about dental implants you have probably heard of, so you may hesitate to get them. But these negative things are only myths. A dentist in Tampa, Florida, can disprove these myths during your visit. 

Dental implants are titanium posts surgically placed into your jaw, acting as the roots of your missing teeth. Once healed, the implant is topped with a dental bridge or crown so it looks like a natural tooth. Over time, the implant fuses to your jawbone, giving the stimulation necessary for bone growth and strength. However, there are myths about dental implants.

Dental Implants are Less Effective than Bridges

While dental bridges can replace missing teeth, they can damage the teeth that surround the missing teeth. The bridge procedure involves shaving down the missing teeth and placing the bridge over them. A dental bridge holds a false tooth or more in place between your remaining teeth, leaving the surrounding teeth bearing the stress. As a result, the bridge may collapse over time and must be replaced. But dental implants are meant to last for decades and will not have negative effects on the structure of your remaining teeth.

Implants are Painful

A lot of people do not get dental implants due to fear that the procedure will hurt. However, the majority of those who have implants experience just very little pain. Before the procedure, you will be administered local anesthesia, which means your mouth will be numb during the surgery. Also, your dentist can give mild sedation if you are especially anxious to calm you down. While you can experience soreness as the implant site heals, your dentist will prescribe medication to address this.

Implants Can Be Bought for Cheap

These days, a lot of bargain centers offering cheaper dental implants have emerged. But these implants may be made of low-quality materials. Dental implants are only successful and effective when they can naturally fuse to your jawbone and become a part of your anatomy. These cheaper implants may be made of materials that won’t achieve this process. As a result, they can cause complications and might require extensive surgical procedures for removal. So, make sure to get your implants only from a legitimate practice. 

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