What are the different methods of kratom tea usage?

Kratom tea uses the dried kratom plant. There are several ways kratom tea can be prepared.

Toss and wash

One of the fastest and simplest ways to prepare kratom tea is called the “toss and wash” method:

  1. Measure out the desired amount of kratom powder and pour it into a cup or other container. Beginners often start with 1-2 grams.
  2. Add a small amount of liquid – enough to make a thick paste when mixed with the powder. Many prefer orange juice or other fruit juices to mask the taste.
  3. Swiftly swallow the mixture before the powder has time to clump or stick to the sides of your mouth. A chaser of more juice can help clear residual powder from the mouth.

Users need to be comfortable swallowing the dry powder. Using too little liquid may make the mixture thick and difficult to ingest.

Kratom tea bags

Some kratom vendors sell pre-packaged kratom tea bags for convenience:

  1. Purchase tea bags containing the desired kratom vein type and dosage. Bags are sold in quantities like 20 one-gram bags.
  2. Brew a tea bag in hot water for 15-20 minutes, longer for stronger effect. Add sweetener if desired.
  3. Discard tea bag and enjoy the tea. It emerges within 30 minutes.

The tea bags allow easy preparation without measuring messy powders. However they limit flexibility in controlling the dose.

Simmering/boiling method 

Simmering or boiling kratom powders in water is a traditional way to produce the tea:

  1. Measure out the number of kratom grams needed into a pot. Start low, around 2 grams.
  2. Add about 2 cups of water per gram of powder. More water makes a milder brew.
  3. Gently boil or simmer the mixture for around 20 minutes to extract the active components from the powdered leaves. 
  4. Strain out the powder dregs through cheesecloth or fine mesh sieve.
  5. Add honey, sugar, lemon etc for taste. Pour finished tea into cups to enjoy.

This method creates a strong concentrated tea. 

Sun tea method

The sun tea method uses solar energy to gently warm up the brew:

  1. Measure kratom powder into a clear glass quart jar. Use cheesecloth or reusable tea bags to contain the powder.
  2. Fill jar with cool water and stir until powder dissolves. About 4 grams of powder per quart of water.
  3. Cover jar and place in direct sunlight for 3-5 hours, until desired strength is reached.
  4. Uncover, strain into glasses and enjoy. Sweeteners can be added.

This chilled brew needs no heat source, but the outdoor preparation and longer steeping period are less convenient than stove preparations.

There are many ways kratom powders can be dissolved in water to make a tea. The best method comes down to individual preferences.

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