Why Children Should Visit a Dentist Early


Finding the right dentist for your children can be overwhelming, especially if you’ve never done it before. Fortunately, dentistry in Fairfield and ME is highly regulated, meaning that just about anyone with any level of education or experience can call themselves a Fairfield, ME family dentistry. By law, you need to take steps to make sure you find the right dentist so that your children’s oral health doesn’t suffer while they’re growing up and learning how to brush their teeth and care for their teeth.

Dental health is essential for children

Children should visit their dentist early to get an idea of what’s going on with their teeth. The dentist can identify any issues and start developing a treatment plan. Some children might need braces or even tooth removal surgery in order to fix the problem, so it is best if they go when they are young.

Early dental visits help prevent future problems

Early visits to the dentist can help prevent future problems from forming.  When children are young, it’s important that they get used to sitting in a chair and having their teeth checked so they’ll be more cooperative when they’re older.

Dental visits help build good habits

An important part of establishing good dental hygiene habits is visiting the dentist early and often. A visit to the dentist not only ensures that your child’s teeth are healthy, but it also helps them establish good habits like brushing their teeth regularly and flossing.

Dental visits are fun for children!

Visiting the dentist is not something many children look forward to, but it can actually be quite enjoyable. There are usually toys and games they can play with while they wait their turn, or they may watch movies while sitting in the dental chair. Sometimes there are other kids around who they can play with as well!


As with any medical condition, the earlier you catch it, the better. This holds true with dental care as well. If left unchecked, cavities can lead to tooth decay and even infections in your mouth or jaw. This is why it’s so important to brush your teeth twice a day and visit your dentist at least twice yearly for regular checkups and cleanings. Doing these things will ensure that you have healthy teeth now and for many years to come. I hope this post has been helpful to all of you who are worried about visiting the dentist! 

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