Workplace Fatigue! How Do You Spot the Signs?  


The world we live in is increasingly becoming more demanding with a great focus on a 24×7 economy. The ‘hustle culture’ is continuing to put paramount pressure and expectations on the employees to perform and work at all hours of the day. As a result, workplace fatigue is becoming a harsh reality due to the increased workloads and tight deadlines. We have all dealt with office stress at one point or the other. But, the prolonged presence of these stressors can negatively begin to impact your health.

How do you know if you are simply feeling tired or this workplace exhaustion is something more serious? Spotting the signs early can help you analyze your situation and get the required treatment to stop the matter from escalating.

In this article, we list some common workplace fatigue signs to look out for to prevent any mishaps from occurring. We also share some remedies to combat work fatigue.

Signs of Workplace Fatigue

Always Sleepy

If you find your employee incessantly yawning or with droopy eyelids always, it is a sure sign that they are beyond tired. Putting their head down on their desk for a quick nap every so often? That’s another telltale sign that all’s not well. Don’t disregard these indicators to avoid any accidents from happening.

Easily Irritable

There are countless reasons why an employee may appear to be irritable. Financial troubles, problems at home, arguments with a co-worker, among others. But the irritation gets heightened when your body hasn’t got enough rest, so you are always on edge. It’s a wise idea to look for such patterns of irritability among your employees.

Lapse of Concentration

You know when you are physically present but mentally absent from a conversation? We all know that blank look. It has happened to us at some point or the other at least once. If this is a repeated incident that keeps happening with an employee where they can’t keep track of your instructions, it’s a sign of fatigue.

Lack of Motivation

When your body is tired beyond exhaustion and you are still expected to work, where do you find the motivation to keep going? If you notice an employee who is always lethargic because they find it hard to mentally focus, it’s a clear indicator something is not right.

Sluggish Responses or Slow Reflexes

You know someone is fatigued when they have poor reflexes. If you poke them, tap on their shoulders, or playfully punch them, they might not be able to react immediately compared to if they were well-rested. If you ask them anything, their responses may be fuzzy and make no sense sometimes. These are direct indicators that their body needs rest.


Research suggests, on average, adults require 7 or more hours of sleep every night. If you are sleep-deprived, there are repercussions to look at. You are more susceptible to headaches, blurred vision, and increased moodiness.

More Prone to Illness

When you are fatigued, your body is crying for some rest. If you don’t listen to that voice, your body can wear down. This means you will face difficulties in fighting off cold, flu and other illnesses. You will end up falling sick more often and have to take more off days before you can get back to work.

How to Handle Workplace Fatigue

Let us look at a few helpful ways through which you can combat work fatigue and prevent yourself from burnout.

Move Often

Long hours of sitting on the same chair hunched over your computer has long-term side effects that you may not experience immediately. It can lead to muscle soreness, pinched nerves, and joint pain, among other physical ailments. A good idea is to incorporate ergonomic exercises into your office routine. This can help you to stay active and get your body moving throughout the day. Something as simple as walking to the water cooler to fill your bottle can help ward off tiredness.

Stay Nourished

Having plenty of nourishing food and staying hydrated throughout the day can significantly boost your energy levels. When you are at your best, your brain functions optimally and you can achieve all your work goals in the predefined time. Apart from food and water, also ensure you get a good night’s sleep, so your body is used to a consistent sleep cycle.

Maintain A Work-Life Balance

We can’t emphasize enough how crucial it is to leave your work at the office. If you are working round the clock, you are not giving your body and mind a chance to relax. Employers and employees both need to find a solution where there is a clear demarcation between office and personal time. Having a work-life boundary can prevent you from burnout.

Ask for Support

Lastly, if you feel too overburdened at work, it is important to not shy away from asking for help. You don’t have to work on multiple projects at the cost of your mental and physical health. Be mindful of that and seek assistance whenever required.

Closing Thoughts

Workplace fatigue management should be at the centre of every organization so the employees can perform their duties to the best of their abilities. Every company has a responsibility to ensure fatigue isn’t posing a health and safety risk to its workers. By taking such proactive measures, you can ensure a healthy and productive environment for everyone. Paradise First Aid OFfers a wide range of First Aid Courses that can help minimize workplace fatigue.

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