5 Best Practices That Can Improve Your Oral Health

Caring for your teeth and gums is vital for your overall health. Poor oral health can lead to tooth loss, tooth decay, major chronic diseases, and low self-esteem. You can also experience challenges with your speech and other socio-personal issues. Proper dental care, such as brushing your teeth or flossing, can help prevent these problems from occurring. You can learn more about improving your oral health through a dental specialist at Dr. Taylor’s Family Dental Center. Let us run through some of the best dental practices that protect your teeth and gums from harmful bacteria.

1. Brush Your Teeth Regularly but Not Aggressively

Brushing your teeth regularly at least twice a day can help remove build-up plaque and keep your teeth clean. However, using a toothbrush with soft bristles would help prevent damage to your gums and enamel. Learning the correct technique to brush your teeth can also help to keep your teeth sparkling clean. The recommendable technique involves brushing in small circular motions at a 45-degree angle at the front and back of your teeth for around 2 to 3 minutes.

2. Use Fluoride Toothpaste or Mouthwash

Fluoride is an essential dental ingredient that strengthens your tooth enamel and keeps your teeth healthy. Also, the phosphate and calcium ions found in fluoride help create an acid-resistant surface on your teeth which helps keep them healthy and free from bacteria. Using dental products that do not contain fluoride can lead to tooth decay and cavities. Therefore, using fluoridated dental products on your teeth is essential for acquiring a fluoride treatment from your dentist.

3. Visit a Dentist Regularly

Routine dental check-ups from your dentist at least every six months can significantly improve your oral health. During these check-ups, your dentist thoroughly examines your teeth and gums by checking for possible signs of gum diseases, cavities, and other oral health issues. They also clean your teeth and remove any build-up plaque or tartar. Seeing a dentist frequently lowers your risk of having oral health issues.

4. Avoid Smoking or Using Other Tobacco Products

Smoking has detrimental effects on your overall and oral health. It affects your immune system, which is responsible for damaged healing tissues in your body, including those found in the mouth. Also, smoking discolors your teeth and tongue and can cause bad breath. You are also at a greater risk of gum disease and oral cancer from frequently smoking or using other tobacco products.

5. Avoid Eating Sugary Foods and Starches

Eating starchy and sugary foods, such as candy, desserts, bread, pasta, and chips, can lead to dental problems, such as cavities and tooth decay. They linger in the mouth and create an acid environment in the mouth that bacteria can easily feast on. Therefore, the acid causes tooth decay and other oral health problems. Instead of eating starchy or sugary foods, it would be best to eat fiber-rich foods and vegetables and drink plenty of water.

Would you like to learn more about proper oral hygiene and practices? Contact or visit Dr. Taylor’s Family Dental Center to get the answers to all the questions you might have about oral health. You will encounter some of the best and most talented dental specialists and hygienists who will help you achieve a full smile makeover through proper oral health. Call their office number or book an appointment online.

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