5 Interesting Root Canal Facts You Should Know

A root canal is one of the best ways to save your natural teeth. However, many people are terrified when their dentist tells them they need the treatment. The exaggerations out there about the treatment are to blame for that. Talking to experts like the Carthay root canal treatment specialists can save you unnecessary fears and worries.  Your provider will give you clear and accurate information about a root canal, including all you can expect. More knowledge equals less fear which can improve the success of the treatment.  In this article, you will find six essential facts about root canals explained. Proceed.

A Root Canal Saves Your Teeth

Your doctor will only recommend a root canal when they aim to save your broken or decayed teeth. When your tooth or teeth are damaged beyond repair, the alternative is extraction to save you from the pain. Therefore, a root canal is important to preserve your natural smile. Your dentist will repair the tooth to restore its strength and function while eliminating painful symptoms you could be experiencing from the cavity.

You do Not Have to Be Experiencing Pain to Seek a Root Canal

Tooth cavities are typically painful and sensitive to some temperatures. However, your tooth can be damaged, so the roots die, and the pain dies off. It does not mean the problem is gone. It only means you need a root canal now more than ever. Some people relax when they are not experiencing toothache and wait until it is too late to save the tooth. Avoid this and seek a root canal when your cavity is beyond filling.  

A Root Canal Safeguards the Health of the Surrounding Teeth

Many people do not know that getting a root canal protects the rest of your teeth. Remember that extraction is an alternative to a root canal, negatively impacting your jaw and remaining teeth. Missing a tooth leads to loss of bone mass and can cause your teeth to shift position. It can also be a door to more tooth loss in the future. Also, failure to seek early treatment for the damaged tooth can spread the effect to other healthy teeth.

Not Painful

One main reason why people avoid a root canal is the misconception of fear. Understand that root canals are not typically painful as they are deemed to be. Some discomfort during the treatment is expected, but your doctor mitigates the effects to improve your comfort. The treatment helps resolve your painful symptoms, not the other way around. Focus on what the treatment does and is to manage your tooth pain. Talk to your doctor if you are anxious about pain; they will help you understand how discomfort will be avoided.

It Might Involve a Healing Period

You might want to take some time off your work or school to recover from a root canal. Though the process does not cause pain, it is natural to experience soreness and sensitivity for a few days after your treatment. Fortunately, your doctor will mitigate such effects with painkillers or other medications to enhance healing. Rest well for a few days and eat only soft foods to promote faster recovery. Also, note that aftercare is crucial, and your doctor will guide you on how to do it.

Contact the Smile Perfector root canal specialists if you think you need the treatment. Your provider will evaluate your needs and tell you if the treatment suits you. Get started with a consultation appointment you can book via a call or online.

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