5 Common Reasons For Chest Pain

Experiencing chest pain could be concerning. You might have sensations of crushing, burning, pressure, fullness, or an overall sense of discomfort that indicates something is amiss. There are numerous reasons for chest discomfort, and often, it is crucial to seek prompt medical attention while experiencing them. Even though most persons equate Plano chest pain with heart problems, you should be aware that other systems in your body can also cause chest pain symptoms. Continue reading to learn more.

1)     Heart-Related Conditions

Chest pain often results from cardiac abnormalities. Coronary artery disease is the most prevalent form of heart disease in the United States, and it reduces the amount of blood flowing into the heart. Once this occurs, you may have angina or sharp, stabbing pains. These sensations could spread from the chest to other body parts, including the back and arms.

Heart attack is often the health concern most persons link to chest discomfort. During a heart attack, blood flow to the heart is entirely obstructed; it could feel like the chest is being squeezed or compressed.

2)     Lung-Related Conditions

If you have lung (pulmonary) discomfort, you will probably also experience chest pain. One common cause is pleurisy. A thin membrane covers your lungs, and this membrane can become swollen. Once pleurisy inflammation is present, taking deep breaths or coughing can induce chest pain and tenderness.

As with the heart, certain lung-related ailments may necessitate immediate medical intervention; for instance, pulmonary embolism. This condition develops once a blood clot forms in one of your pulmonary arteries. Breathlessness combined with scorching, aching, or acute chest pains are indications of pulmonary embolism.

3)     Digestion-Related Disorders

Your digestive system consists of your stomach, intestines, pancreas, and liver. Although these organs are crucial for digesting your food, they could also trigger chest discomfort.

Heartburn is one prevalent reason for digestion-related chest pain. However, heartburn is not related to your heart. Rather, this issue develops once acid rises from your stomach and into your esophagus. Once the acid touches your esophagus tissue, it generates a burning feeling in the upper area of your chest.

Another digestive disease that can induce chest discomfort is pancreatitis. This condition develops once the pancreas begins swelling.

4)     Muscle-Related Issues

If you lift weights or do other intense workouts, you may be familiar with the sensation of muscle soreness. This discomfort could develop in the chest muscles if they become irritated, torn, or injured. Even improperly moving a large object or frequent coughing might induce chest pain due to muscular strain. This pain worsens if you engage your chest muscles through movement.

5)     Stress-Related Concerns

When experiencing anxiety or stress, you may experience severe fear, anxiety, and restlessness. These emotions might cause a sensation of chest constriction, making breathing hard. Serious anxiety can trigger a panic attack, which is an episode of intense fear or worry. When experiencing a panic attack, chest pain could result from breathlessness, heart palpitations, and the sensation of being suffocated.

Chest pain is not natural, but experiencing it is not always cause for alarm. Consult Dr. Bhupinder Singh and the expert staff at Heart and Vascular Center for a professional diagnosis and treatment of your chest discomfort. Your care solutions may range from prescription medications and lifestyle adjustments to surgery. Arrange an appointment through mobile or book online today.

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