What to Expect During a Hair Restoration Consultation

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, hair loss affects more than 75 million Americans. More than 35% of the people affected by hair loss are women. That is why August was declared a national hair loss awareness month to educate people suffering from hair loss about the potential causes and treatment options. If you have a hair loss problem, you should go for Lakewood Ranch support & consultation. The consultation process allows your doctor to examine your case of hair loss and provide feedback according to your concerns and expectations. Consequently, below are the things you can expect during the consultation process for hair loss.

Determination of the right treatment plan

Your specialist in hair restoration has to consider various factors to determine the best treatment plan for your situation. Some common factors that may need consideration include your medical history and family history of hair loss.

Your hair restoration provider must thoroughly scrutinize your history of diseases and other health conditions. Medical conditions that may cause hair loss include scalp infections, alopecia areata, and trichotillomania. The health problems often restrict the delivery of vital nutrients necessary for keeping hair follicles healthy. Trichotillomania is a condition that involves frequent and irresistible urges to pull out your hair from the head and eyelids.

As per the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, close to seven million Americans have Alopecia areata. The autoimmune disorder causes unpredictable, patchy hair loss.

Other issues like anemia, hormone imbalance, and poor lifestyle choices like smoking may also promote hair loss. Researchers think smoking aids hair loss by exposing hair follicles to more than 200 toxins. The toxic chemicals in tobacco smoke cause oxidative stress and reduce blood flow to hair follicles.

Research indicates that you are at more risk of hair loss when your parents or grandparents have a positive history of hair loss.

Common options for treatment

After reviewing your medical history, scalp biopsy test, photographing the scalp, measuring hair diameter, and examining areas affected by hair loss, your doctor will have to decide on the proper treatment procedure. A scalp biopsy is a quick and straightforward procedure involving extracting a small sample of your scalp tissue for testing and analysis.

Your hair loss specialist may need to take pictures of your hair to enable comparison before and after treatment. 

Popular procedures at the disposal of your hair consultation expert are hair transplantation, low-level scalp therapy, regenerative medicine, and medications. Hair transplantation involves harvesting hair grafts from one part of the body and implanting them into the bald area of the head.

Laser hair growth is a therapy relying on low-level lasers for stimulating your scalp and hair follicles to promote hair growth and eliminate hair loss.

One possible regenerative medicine option for treating hair loss is platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections. PRP therapy relies on the extraction of your platelets, which your doctor injects into different sections of your baldness to promote hair restoration or regrowth.

Contact Honest Hair Restoration today to schedule a hair loss consultation with a specialist.

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