5 Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause is the transitional era of life in which a woman’s body stops producing eggs and menstruation ceases. For many women, menopause Winter Park signifies the end of their reproductive cycle. If you are approaching menopause, you may notice certain symptoms due to hormonal changes. Every woman may experience unique symptoms of menopause, and some do not experience any symptoms at all.

Here are common symptoms of menopause;

1.   Hot flashes and night sweats

Hot flashes may make you feel warm or hot abruptly for no apparent cause. Your skin may flush red, and your pulse may beat quicker. Then you may feel abruptly chilly. They might be so powerful they wake you awake. Like so many symptoms of menopause, hot flashes and night sweats may vary a lot from woman to woman. They might last One minute or Five minutes.

Hot flashes might be moderate or severe. You may have several hot flashes in an hour, one a week, or never have them. For some women, these symptoms persist for years or decades after they have stopped their cycles — until the interval termed postmenopausal. If you suffer hot flashes but are not convinced it’s due to menopause, go to your doctor. There are medical issues and even drugs that might bring them on, too.

2.   Trouble sleeping

Sleep disturbances, such as waking up in the middle of the night or experiencing difficulties falling asleep, may have many causes. However, if you seldom have these issues, it might indicate that menopause is near. Night sweats and other vasomotor symptoms might sometimes be to blame. A medical professional should discuss long-term sleeplessness for which you have no explanation.

3.   Feeling moody

Hormonal shifts around menopause are only one of several factors that might alter a woman’s mental state. It is prevalent for anxiety and depression sufferers to have a worsening of their symptoms throughout menopause. You have deserved to feel happy, for whatever reason. You should see a doctor if you have been sick for over a few weeks. You should work together to find a remedy that works for you.

4.   You become forgetful

It is normal for middle-aged men and women to have occasional memory problems such as blanking out or misplacing essential items. This is usually not a major issue. Menopause is only one cause of memory loss; stress is another. See a doctor if you are concerned about your memory loss.

5.   Physical changes

When you are approaching menopause, you can find that your hair and skin are losing moisture and becoming thinner. Menopause may cause weight gain for some women. Your body may adapt by storing extra fat in your midsection, leaving you with less muscle tone overall. Stiff or painful joints may make it difficult to move about. You must keep moving. If you want to retain your muscle and physical fitness, you may have to put in more effort.

Hormonal changes during menopause cause symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, and disrupted sleep. Call Contemporary Women’s Care to book your appointment for menopause management services to improve your health.

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