Dentist in Powell, TN: How Tartar Can Damage Your Mouth

Tartar is a damaging bacterial buildup that develops along the teeth’s base. When not cleaned and eliminated, tartar can result in many oral health complications. If you have tartar, you can be at risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and tooth loss. To avoid getting tartar, you must visit your dentist in Powell, TN, at least two times every year. Read on to know more about tartar:

Tartar Starts as Plaque

Plaque forms over your teeth from food, saliva, and fluids you consume. It can be colorless or have a light-yellow tint. Regardless of the color, plaque has bacteria that produce acids. The bacteria can destroy your tooth enamel and cause the formation of cavities. 

Brushing, flossing, and rinsing your teeth with mouthwash can remove plaque, but unremoved plaque can harden on your teeth and become tartar. Only professional dental cleanings can get rid of tartar. 

There are Two Forms of Tartar

Tartar can be supragingival or subgingival. The kind of tartar you have in your mouth depends on where it is placed relative to the gum line. Tartar that can be found above your gum line is called supragingival. Meanwhile, tartar located below the gum line is known as subgingival. This type of tartar isn’t visible; thus, you may not know you have it. 

Tartar Affects Your Teeth and Gums

You can only achieve optimal oral health when your mouth is free of plaque and tartar. Both plaque and tartar are a threat to your oral health. Plaque has acid-forming bacteria that can wear away your tooth enamel. Both tartar and plaque can cause bad breath. Also, tartar causes periodontal disease, resulting in bleeding gums, decay, tooth loss, and receding gums. Usually, reversing gingivitis is possible when you take your at-home oral hygiene routine seriously. Meanwhile, periodontitis is hard to remove. For this, you need to have a professional dental cleaning done to control the damage. 

Plaque Must be Cleaned Regularly

Plaque and tartar can only develop when you do not stick to regular oral hygiene habits. To keep your mouth free of plaque and tartar, you must brush your teeth twice every day for two minutes. Also, make sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush to properly get rid of plaque without hurting your teeth and gums. Use toothpaste that has fluoride to make your enamel strong. In addition, flossing once a day can go a long way in maintaining good oral health. 

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