Can You Save Loose Teeth?

Practicing good oral hygiene by brushing twice daily, flossing daily, and seeing a dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings is essential. It is also important to avoid habits that damage the teeth, like chewing on hard items or biting nails. If you or someone you know has a loose tooth, visiting a dentist in Riverside, CA, is essential. The dentist can evaluate the tooth and determine the best action to save it.

Can You Save Loose Teeth?

Treating gum disease early can save a lot of money and pain. A wobbly tooth is always concerning. It is tempting to move your tooth with your fingers and tongue to find out how to lose it. When you continue to wiggle it, you will loosen it further and make it fall out. 

The common cause of losing teeth is periodontitis., which leads to receding gums. As time passes, the gums start to pull away, and bacteria grow in the gaps that attack tissue and bone structure. Periodontitis always causes the gum to recede; if left untreated, it will not grow. Signs of gum disease are:

  1. Sleeping
  2. Wobbly or loose teeth
  3. Bleeding
  4. Bad breathe

Loose teeth and swollen gums

Another cause of loose teeth is bruxism which puts pressure on the teeth root over time. Bruxism leads to worn-down of front teeth and fractures or chips in teeth. The best way to prevent teeth grinding is by wearing a mouth guard. You can get your custom-made mouth guard from a dentist/sports shop. Custom-fit mouth guard fits on the bite and teeth perfectly. They are made of plastic, which is less likely to tear off or wear down. 

In some cases, it is possible to save a loose tooth.  Depending on the loose tooth, there can be various treatments the doctor can suggest.

You should contact a dentist if you have a slightly loose tooth with bleeding or swollen bleeding pains and no pain. Although it is not an emergency, you should visit a dentist as soon as possible. 

Treating gum disease early can reverse it, preventing the need for gum grafts. Deep cleaning, followed by a polish and scale for weeks later, will allow the gums to heal. After a deep clean, your dentist will determine if the tooth needs stabilization. 

A loose tooth with an abscess

When an abscess develops, typical signs include:

  • Constant pain
  • Pain after chewing
  • High temperature
  • Nasty taste
  • sensitivity to hot and cold 

A dental abscess can lead to sepsis which is a severe condition and can be fatal. Therefore, before any other dental treatment, the abscess must be treated.

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