Everything you Should Know About the PRP Hair Restoration Treatment 

Hair fall is a natural phenomenon of the body – the hair follicles make hair strands and every strand has a life cycle of its own. Once that cycle is completed, the hair strand in question has to fall. Only when it falls that the new hair strands can take its place. What’s problematic is heavy hair fall. 

When hair strands start falling so rapidly that the follicles are unable to produce new strands, not many strands are left to take the place of fallen strands. This is when hair thinning starts. Such excessive hair fall can occur due to many reasons like stress, pollution, chemical treatments and coloring, medication, and an unhealthy diet. 

If you too have been seeing that your hair strands have started falling rapidly, one of the best restoration treatments that you can consider is PRP hair restoration. 

Why PRP Restoration?

PRP is an abbreviation for platelet rich plasma. The reason that most expert dermatologists suggest this treatment is that it is not a chemical treatment. The plasma that’s used is obtained from the blood of the patient itself. Which means that this is actually a natural procedure. The body isn’t getting infused with a foreign substance, but growth stimulators of its own. Which is why PRP restoration like Clinique Anti Aging PRP restoration is worth every effort. 

That said, here’s how the treatment is done. 

  • Your own blood will undergo the procedure of centrifugation. 
  • Once done, the blood will produce natural platelet rich plasma. 
  • Doctors will carefully segregate that plasma from the other substances in the blood. 
  • The plasma will be injected in the patch that’s losing hair. 

Once the plasma will be injected, it will help the hair follicle in producing new hair strands since the platelets will start the release of growth enzymes. With 3-5 sittings, the patch being treated will get densely populated with new hair strands and this is how PRP hair restoration works. 

Having said that, there are some things that you need to know about the treatment so that your expectations are right from the beginning. We have a list of those things. Have a look. 

  1. Hair thinning happens when hair strands fall. But baldness occurs when the hair follicles fall. PRP can replace hair strands not hair follicles. So, if you’re already bald, PRP is not the treatment for you. 
  2. One sitting isn’t enough. At least 3-5 sittings are required for the balding patch to get populated with hair. 
  3. The results of PRP are better and quicker when doctors administer additional hair treatments like vitamin injections and antioxidants injections simultaneously. 
  4. The results cannot sustain forever. Follow-ups are necessary for touch-up sessions so that the hair follicles do fall away. 

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