How Important Is Cranial Osteopathy for Babies?

As people age, they can develop a lot of problems regarding their bones, joints, and tendons in their bodies. But this pain of joints, bones, and tendons is not only associated with aging but can also form during the time of birth. When new-borns are welcomed into the world, they go through a lot of pressure and force during the birthing period which can cause serious deformities in their bones and joints, particularly near the head. This can cause sucking problems in new-borns, discomfort, and sometimes nausea. Sometimes the immature gut and diaphragm can get stressed and twisted causing indigestion problems and much more. These problems can be easily fixed by a cranial osteopath. 

What is Cranial Osteopathy? 

The process associated with the diagnosis and treatment of joints, muscle, ligaments, and tendons problems is known as Cranial Osteopathy. Our body is constantly subjected to pressure and stress, developing numerous problems in our joints and muscles, but the body is constantly doing its best to cope up with the demands. The structural strains and stresses that may interfere with your health are diagnosed and treated by an osteopath.

Reasons why you should go to a Cranial osteopath with your baby.

  • Breastfeeding issue: Often with an intense or difficult birth, the baby might find it difficult to find a comfortable position to feed. Also, if there is tension between the jaw joints or other bones in the skull, the baby might find it difficult to latching and suckling. In these cases, a cranial osteopath can help to release the pressure and tension from your baby’s body and aid you in feeding. 
  • Type of delivery: Often with deliveries performed with the help of forceps and ventouse can cause tension in the baby’s head leading to discomfort. Babies show this discomfort by crying particularly when their head is touched.
  • Curled-up baby: Babies born through a fast birth such as a C-section may not get their time to stretch out their bodies completely causing their knees to curl up and stay folded. These curled-up knees may cause colic and reflux problems and can be easily solved by an osteopath. 

Benefits of Cranial osteopathy for babies:

  • Helps to improve sound sleep
  • Helps to improve feeding
  • Helps in reducing crying and colic
  • Helps to improve the general contentment of the baby

Integral Performance West Island provides you with a multitude of highly- specialized integrated, movement-focused services in this regard. 

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