Top Cosmetic Dentistry Benefits
Have you been meaning to get your cracked/chipped teeth filled or crooked teeth aligned? Cosmetic dentistry may only be appealing when considering your smile, but the procedures offer much more. The extensive options, especially with the advancements in the field, can help you address smile concerns and improve overall oral health. You will find a range of cosmetic dentistry at Scott Young, DDS, including fillings, bonding, veneers, whitening, and tooth and gum contouring. Among the top reasons to consider cosmetic dentistry includes the following:
Smile and confidence
If you feel self-conscious about your smile, meaning you hardly do it in public, cosmetic dentistry could be your answer. The procedures can restore your smile, the most noticeable feature that leaves a lasting impression. This offers a significant self-esteem boost, making it easier to navigate your day-to-day activities. You won’t be feeling self-conscious, which can make you anxious and affect how you go about your day. This improves productivity, making the procedures worth the time and money invested.
Improved dental functionality
Cosmetic dental issues do not just impact your smile. They can affect how you bite, chew, and speak. For example, a chipped tooth can impair speech, make the bite misaligned, and affect pressure distribution as you chew. Cosmetic dentistry helps restore such dental functionalities.
By aligning the teeth, for example, you can bite evenly and chew more comfortably since pressure is evenly distributed. The pressure distribution means your teeth will wear out evenly, limiting the chances of tooth loss. Moreover, it is essential for more than your dental concerns since chewing also impacts the digestive system. As such, an aligned bite and chew are beneficial for your dental and overall wellness. On the other hand, improved speech further boosts your confidence, making it easier to manage social activities.
Enhanced oral health
Oral health is critical as you strive to keep conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular disease at bay. Maintaining better oral health is easier when hygiene is at its best. Brushing and flossing become challenging when your teeth are crooked, chipped, or misaligned. Food particles can easily be trapped between uneven gaps. This leads to accumulation, bacteria growth, spread, and infection.
Cosmetic dentistry helps you spot even dental structures. You won’t have gaps or crooked looks that challenges your oral hygiene quests. Moreover, with services like teeth whitening, where a professional thoroughly cleans even the hard-to-reach areas, you can keep plaque buildup at bay. The improved hygiene levels translate to better oral health, making cosmetic dentistry more than a superficial solution.
Evenly shaped teeth can do wonders for your looks and dental functionality. A dazzling and young-looking smile makes it easier to remain productive since you won’t be anxious, especially in settings requiring social interactions. You also avoid concerns like sunken looks due to missing teeth and jawbone deterioration due to lack of stimulation. Since it will be easier to maintain effective oral hygiene, you also supercharge the quest to keep oral health concerns like gum disease at bay. Call Scott Young, DDS, today for more on cosmetic dentistry and ideal options for your situation.